Task One
Create a landscape format, saddle stitched (stapled) sketchbook.
I found the task of putting the holes in the front of the book complicated at first until I realised that a 5mm diameter hole is the size of a hole punch hole.
Task Two
Create an A5, portrait format, stab-stitched book.
I drew out the largest square first then drew inside the square onto the next page to create a square cut out that was slightly smaller, this helped me to create a gradual decrease in the size of the squares. The stab-stitch itself was very difficult for me to get my head around, but I think it looked nice in the end.
Task Three
Create a perfect bound book.
I found a tutorial online that explained how to create a bound book. I used paper clips to hold the paper together whilst the glue dried.
Task Four
Window mount a postcard behind an A4 sheet of mounting card.
This took me multiple attempts to get the angle of the cut right, but I think it ended up looking quite good.
Task Five
Surface mount six postcards on mid grey, A2 sheet of thin card.
I put the set of six postcards slightly higher on the page, so that they visually look like they are in the middle of the page.
Task Six
Flat mount a piece of coloured card 210mm x 90mm onto a piece of foamcore.
It took me two attempts to get this right, because I didn't understand how much fixative to put onto the foamcore at first.
Task Seven
Draw the outline of a perfect, 50mm square in the middle of a sheet of A4 layout paper.
I worked out the middle of a sheet of A4 paper and drew the square out on one sheet of layout paper, which I then used to create a perfect square on a plain sheet of layout paper.
Task Eight
Emboss a circle, square and equilateral triangle onto a sheet of white, A4 cartridge paper.
Embossing shapes was a difficult process, I cut out the shapes using an extremely thick card which I then embossed into white paper.
Task Nine
Take an A4 piece of thin card. Using a compass draw a circle with a 40 mm radius, centred on the sheet. Cut out a perfect circle.
It took me a few attempts to get the cutting right and the task fooled me at first with the wording "radius" but I quickly figured out my mistake.
Task Ten
Cut the word SHOP out of thin grey card and mount it on a A3 sheet of white A3 cartridge paper.
I found out from Tony during my feedback that I have put the letter S upside down, I didn't notice at the time but now it is blatantly obvious.
Task Eleven
Create your own design using a craft knife (A5 in scale).
This is my favourite piece of paper craft that I made throughout this project.
I really like cutting out paper designs; even though it is difficult and time consuming, I think that the final design is worth the effort.
Task Twelve
Using thick paper/thin card, create a perfect, white cube, cylinder and pyramid.
I was very pleased with how my pyramid ended up looking, however I think the cylinder could have looked a bit better.
Task Thirteen
Using black, thick paper/thin card create a three-dimensional capital letter "R"
I found this incredibly difficult, I think that the letter looked quite good in the end. However trying to get the "R" to look right took a lot of effort and it was trial and error.
Task Fourteen
Using cutting and folding techniques. Experiment with your own designs and once finished,
light them dramatically and take good quality photographs of them.
The British weather failed me, so I had to resort to artificial light, however I think they look nice - in a creepy kind of way.
I really liked how the koi fish looked like in the end, I enjoyed trying to create a recognisable animal out of folds and cuts on one sheet of paper.
Task Fifteen
(Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder)
(Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder)
Illustrate a well-known saying as a pop-up.
I picked "Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder"
This was a difficult task for me, I really love pop up books so I had grand ideas about what I could make, however it didn't work out how I expected.
My original plan was to create a dragon guarding it's horde of gold; however, my idea was bigger than my skill at pop ups.
So now I have a graveyard of failed paper dragons that don't work, however I am determined to learn how to make a pop up dragon.
In the end the design was adapted to be a castle ruin - a type of structure that I find eerily beautiful.